包括德国德意志银行(Deutsche Bank,DB)和英国巴克莱银行(Barclays,BCS)意大利裕信银行(Unicredit)在内的欧洲大型金融银行股跌幅高达6%-8%。
Big European financial companies, ranging from Deutsche Bank (DB) of Germany and Barclays (BCS) of the U.K. to Unicredit of Italy, saw their shares drop 6%-8%.
Fifteen years ago Frankfurt aspired to become a global financial centre, but these days German financial giants such as Deutsche Bank and Allianz do much more business in London than in Frankfurt.
The German Banks, even Deutsche bank, look particularly thinly capitalised when the test disclosures are used to calculate a simple leverage ratio of capital to total assets.
Salzgitter AG slid 3.6 percent to 51.39 euros after Deutsche Bank AG downgraded Germany’s second-largest steelmaker to “hold” from “buy.”
In this light the cash call that Deutsche bank, Germany's biggest bank, embarked on just before the new Basel guidelines were released seems unlikely to set a trend.
WestLB, the shakiest of Germany's state-owned wholesale Banks, or Landesbanken, prominently displays an "overview" of the bank's many "protection mechanisms" on its site.
More than $290 billion worth of mortgage securities were sold to Deutsche Bank, a German lender. Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank, got more than $287 billion in mortgage bonds.
Among the firms that comfortably beat analysts’ forecasts were Deutsche Bank, UBS and BNP Paribas, the biggest banks in Germany, Switzerland and France respectively.
The two small rights issues it undertook, totalling nearly Euro 3 billion, were to fund its purchase of a minority shareholding in Deutsche Postbank, a large German retail bank.
德国最大的银行德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)股价上涨2%,至42.28欧元,在银行个股中涨幅居前,创下斯托克600指数19个行业板块中最大涨幅。
Deutsche bank, Germany's largest lender, advanced 2 percent to 42.28 euros, leading a gauge of bank shares to the biggest gain among 19 industry groups in the Stoxx 600.
德国最大的银行德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)股价上涨2%,至42.28欧元,在银行个股中涨幅居前,创下斯托克600指数19个行业板块中最大涨幅。
Deutsche bank, Germany's largest lender, advanced 2 percent to 42.28 euros, leading a gauge of bank shares to the biggest gain among 19 industry groups in the Stoxx 600.