Bill Bryson takes readers on a very funny and educational trip through the history of modern science from its unexpected successes to its great failures and everything in between.
If they succeed, they will generate an unexpected success warning.
It was an unlikely triumph wrested from a moment of national humiliation.
But his trip to Africa might prove surprisingly successful-and might highlight one of his unsung achievements.
或许它的最意外的成功是公司的产品在全国最大的照明设备零售商- - -家得宝(Home Depot)出售。
And perhaps its biggest coup is that it's being sold by Home Depot, the nation's largest lighting retailer.
Maybe if you have lots of merit, you might accidentally find an authentic guide and actually reach New York. But if I were you I would not trust this kind of accidental success all the way.
The Reader, launched in Japan in 2005, was first to market in the US in 2006, but the Kindle has been a surprise success since its first version was launched two years ago.
Nature's poll findings suggest that this trend is as strong as ever, but, to make a collaboration work, both sides need to invest time, and embrace surprise and challenge.
这也是阿莱格里(Massimiliano Allegri)第一个成功的赛季。他在去年4月份意外地被卡利亚里解约,在夏天来到了AC米兰。
It also marks a successful first season for coach Massimiliano Allegri, who joined ac Milan last summer after his surprise sacking by Cagliari in April 2010.
Your guidelines should describe what goes in the main flow (the success scenario) and what goes in alternate flows (exception scenarios), as well as how to structure these flows.
But the centenarians' happy accident of birth may benefit the rest of us too, if Perls and his colleagues are successful in their work.
It's no accident that great companies often have great AD campaigns and use social media effectively-they are leveraging the same deep understanding of the consumer.
And that culture is a huge part of what makes it so successful-and, not surprisingly, a good place to work.
The success of Paul's events, however under-the-radar, have been a pleasant surprise for the experts.
They experiment with different schemes and policy options, sometimes with success, often with unintended consequences and surprises.
And surprising, new data suggest Khan may have done that more successfully than anyone imagined.
Barely 10 per cent of cheetah cubs make it past three months in the wild, so at a sleek four months, these youngsters have already beaten the harshest of odds.
Critically lauded and a commercial hit, "Shutter Island" still seems underrated — the film's real twist is that it's an even better movie on second viewing.
Nuo said the company was inspired by two upstart Chinese phone makers generating buzz for their surprisingly capable devices.
Surprised but enlivened by the success of the calendar, EIZO and Butter are thinking of re-running it for 2011 and making it "accessible to the public at large."
Figures up to September showed a 56% rise in tourist arrivals from China, a degree of success that has caught the Japanese off-guard.
You then make the request, and look for the record id to be returned to you as a sign of a successful result of the Web service method call.
I absolutely believe it we are in front of so many accidents we need to face the setback and learn from it every setback is a test for us only the one who passes the test can succeed.
I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.
Carlo Ancelotti's impressive start to life at Chelsea has not surprised the Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.
Carlo Ancelotti's impressive start to life at Chelsea has not surprised the Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson.