• 据说已经丧失了活下去意志

    He was said to have lost his will to live.


  • 这次会议结果成了一次意志角力

    The meeting turned out to be a clash of wills.


  • 尽管如此遭遇从未丧失下去意志

    In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live.


  • 意志自我控制

    He controlled himself by sheer force of will.


  • 雷切尔温和坚定地意志强加道格身上

    Rachel gently but persistently imposed her will on Doug.


  • 关于偶然性自由意志哲学问题紧密相联的。

    The philosophical problems of chance and of free will are closely related.


  • 银幕生涯中获得一个意志坚定、坦率直言的名声

    During her film career, she acquired a reputation as a strong-willed, outspoken woman.


  • 消磨反对派意志方面,没有人比得上惊人毅力恒心。

    None can match your sheer will-power and persistence in wearing down the opposition.


  • 今天我们知道自由意志有限的。

    Today, we know that free will is bounded.


  • 纵然海枯石烂意志永不动摇。

    Even if the seas go dry and rocks crumble, my will will remain firm.


  • 乔布斯谈到毅力意志

    Mr. Jobs also spoke of perseverance and will power.


  • 艰苦环境磨炼意志

    Difficult circumstances can temper one's will.


  • 勇敢磨练自己的意志

    The brave will sharpen their will.


  • 归根到底,人民意志不可抗拒

    In the final analysis the will of the people is irresistible.


  • 石头的朋友,障碍意志的朋友。

    Stones whet a sword, difficulties strengthen willpower.


  • 是个具有非凡意志

    He is a man of extraordinary will power.


  • 大自然屈从我们意志

    Bend nature to our will.


  • 他们两者都上帝意志

    Both of them are God's will!


  • 不屈不挠的意志

    He is endowed with indomitable will.


  • 意志阻碍吗?

    Am I to be baulked of my will?


  • 他们竞争靠的是技术顽强意志

    They competed with skill and tenacity.


  • 频繁批评足以使任何人意志消沉。

    Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody.


  • 是个意志坚强、性格独立女人

    She is a strong-minded, independent woman.


  • 凭自己意志顶住一诱惑

    With an effort of will he resisted the temptation.


  • 看来胸有成竹意志坚定

    She looked purposeful and determined.


  • 他们去了自由摧垮了他的意志

    They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.


  • 整个境况使感到心烦意乱,意志消沉。

    She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation.


  • 意志薄弱的这种压力可能垮了

    A weaker man would have buckled under the pressure.


  • 信心十足意志坚强

    He has enormous confidence and strength of purpose.


  • 意志坚定教条

    He is firm but not doctrinaire.


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