They are very different things, and confusing them leads to confused users.
That's two different things, what Newt Gingrich talked about and what he reported Newt Gingrich talked about.
Giving them something drastically different every few pages makes browsing a more confusing and less efficient experience.
But the purveyors of these underground-style events are providing something wholly different from the academic environments seen inside art schools.
A disciple is something completely different from a follower, and I would like to tell you to be my disciples but not my followers.
The changes it will fashion could be evolutionary or they could blow the whole system apart and replace it with something radically different.
We are talking about something entirely different: freeing the mind of all ideals, and therefore of all contradiction.
But the crucial thing about this first view that we want to talk about is that the mind is thought of as something separate from, and distinct from, the body.
We want many of the same things as liberals—less poverty, more health care—but have radically different ideas on how to achieve it.
If you had taken it slower or viewed things even a tiny bit differently, maybe you could have come out the other end having learned more, or having had more fun.
He said that he appreciated the sympathy for the working classes, and also that he liked that the music was different from what his friends listened to.
Obviously there are some similarities players will see with the original game, at the same time there are these really powerful hitters really do make a pretty big difference.
我提议你们相信,在你们的人生中,你们可以盼望多得多的东西,而不只是逃离苦难。幸福和安乐是可以被科学定义的,可以被测量,可以被教授。 幸福和安乐与仅仅消除苦难是截然不同的。
That the notion of happiness, the notion of well-being can be scientifically defined, can be measured, and it can be taught, and it is radically different from the absence of suffering.
我提议你们相信,在你们的人生中,你们可以盼望多得多的东西,而不只是逃离苦难。幸福和安乐是可以被科学定义的,可以被测量,可以被教授。 幸福和安乐与仅仅消除苦难是截然不同的。
That the notion of happiness, the notion of well-being can be scientifically defined, can be measured, and it can be taught, and it is radically different from the absence of suffering.