When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now.
But Gates, who turns 53 next week, has increasingly expanded his focus beyond Microsoft to problems of technology, science and society.
Smart companies worldwide are harnessing EVA to optimize their creation of shareholder wealth over time by making it the focal point for all reporting, planning and decision making functions.
只要妥善实施这些要件,EVA原则就能精准可靠地引导公司迈步向前,因为经理人和员工的注意焦点都放在一个明确的目标上:“如何改善公司的EVA ?”
With those elements properly implemented, EVA principles will unerringly guide the company onwards and upwards as managers and employees focus on one specific objective: "How do we improve our EVA?"
Every time you open your web browser, your brain must filter out that noise. Your attention and focus have to push past this clutter.
She forms the Home Improvement Committee, and he becomes her primary focus.
As the world hits the 7 billion population mark, much attention is focused on India, which will surpass China to become the world's most populous country in less than two decades.
As humans, however, we are able to extract some of those factors and make them the focus of attention; that is, render them conscious.
This can dilute the focus on overall school improvement and divert attention from those who do need a range of specialist support.
Today's multimedia machine makes the computer screen into a demanding focus of attention rather than allowing it to fade into the background.
Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant.
If you make it your only focus, I guarantee you'll get better at it, and more importantly, you'll get into the habit of remembering to focus, of remembering to practice, of being more aware.
The photo is in the focus, but is receipt more like a visual expression of emotion than as actual site content.
Note that creating your own focus traversal policy is a complex task.
In fact, some sentimental, introspective songs hinder worship because they take the spotlight off God and focus on our feelings.
These elements begin to distract our eye and make it more difficult to focus on the most important elements in the layout: the labels and input fields.
Mr Sarkozy dare not disagree with Mrs Merkel in public, lest a row destabilises the euro and draws attention to France.
Note that this article assumes you are familiar with the use and terminology associated with previous implementations of the AWT focus subsystem.
Improve attention and focus by gently unrolling the outer area of your ears, from the very top down to the bottom.
Common wisdom has it that the eyes are the focal point of the face and they are the features that draw attention first.
Remember that the point of interest is the water and you should do all you can to draw attention to the water rather than it’s surroundings.
Our fast-paced, reflexive shifts in focus were once crucial to our survival.
Note how the second and fifth entries show focus information for the Eterm and Firefox Windows.
Note that an Agile approach still works well in a sustaining mode of a product, and the "Process Improvement Focused" features of Kanban work well in sustaining mode, too.
Note that you invalidate the display list in either case because you want Flex to render (or remove) the focus rectangle around the box.