Therefore, unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) which has comprehensive ability of compensation becomes the hot research topic of power compensation.
The unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is a kind of novel harmonic and reactive compensation equipment by combining the series active filter and shunt active filter.
As a new control device of power quality, Unified power quality Conditioner (UPQC) is an important research aspect of power electronics.
In this paper, depending on the topology and basic working principle of unified power quality conditioner, the detection method and the control strategy are deeply analyzed.
At present, the research on UPQC has just begun in our country, and there is still no mature product in use. So it is important to study on it.
At present, the research on UPQC has just begun in our country, and there is still no mature product in use. So it is important to study on it.