"I've a further report to make, " I said, "and a pretty long one.
"Well it's a long story," Morley would say vaguely, I never quite understood what he was up to.
在北京最近举行的一次活动中62岁的成龙笑着表示:谈起我的英语学习经历那就说来话长了。 。
It would be a very long story to talk about my English-learning experience, the 62-year-old said, grinning broadly, during a recent Beijing event.
It's a long story, having to do with the chaos in Somalia and the poisonous relationship between Eritrea and its much larger neighbor, Ethiopia, which happens to be America's new B.F.F..
It's a long story, having to do with the chaos in Somalia and the poisonous relationship between Eritrea and its much larger neighbor, Ethiopia, which happens to be America's new B.F.F..