Because of the next year, you will not have as much concentration, nor of spare time with this intention.
In other words, get all that stuff out of your head, and into your trusted system, so you don't have to worry about it while you focus on the task before you.
Studies show that focused attention, like doing puzzles or reading, will help keep your mind young.
Instead of thinking the millions of people who use an iPhone are crazy, maybe you should focus your energy on figuring out what you don't understand, that we all do.
What can I do to keep the audience’s attention through the whole of my presentation.
Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day, but give yourself time to focus. Read more.
Develop a Mantra - Find a few statements that focus your mind and motivate you. It doesn't matter whether they are pulled from a tacky motivational poster, or just a few words to tell you what to do.
Anything that requires focus and concentration: reading books, playing games and even handicrafts like knitting.
Having a clear list of actionable items gives you the power to focus on a single task at a time, without having to balance 100 or so next-steps in your head.
So Mary decides to do her homework after dinner, but she can't focus her attention and she goes to watch TV.
Concentration and focus are vital... and hoping for the best!
Doctor, I always have nightmares these days and I really can't concentrate on my work. Can you please help me?
Next I will show you how to do it. Everybody please keep your eyes peeled.
You may find it more difficult to make decisions, find the right word, or focus on one job at a time.
记得么,你和这个东西斗争的唯一 原因就是你还没法集中注意力,如果你每天都坚持这样做,你会越来越发现做这个简单。
The stronger your ability to concentrate during your focus sessions, the more you'll notice you're not having trouble concentrating at other times either.
记得么,你和这个东西斗争的唯一 原因就是你还没法集中注意力,如果你每天都坚持这样做,你会越来越发现做这个简单。
The stronger your ability to concentrate during your focus sessions, the more you'll notice you're not having trouble concentrating at other times either.