An optional prefix sets a non-decimal base: 0 for octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal.
可以添加一个前缀来表示非十进制基底的数:0代表八进制, 0x或0X代表十六进制。
C + + 0x also defines the sizeof... operator, which displays the number of arguments.
C+ +0x还定义了size of…操作符,它显示参数数量。
The C++0x standard defines interfaces accessible to application developers that allow them to tweak garbage collection.
应用程序开发人员可以通过 C++0x标准定义的接口调整垃圾收集过程。
Note that int y(2.3) is allowed in C++0x; no type narrowing is assumed, and y equals 2 while int y{2.3} is plain error.
注意,在 C++0x 中允许inty(2.3);由于不允许类型窄化,y等于2,而 int y{2.3}是错的。
C + + 0x allows you to define functions and classes with variable Numbers of arguments, and support is now the same in GCC.
C+ +0x允许定义具有数量可变的参数的函数或类,现在GCC提供相同的支持。
C + + 0x introduces two new keywords-char16_t and char32_t-with guaranteed sizes (16 and 32 bits, respectively-see Listing 3) and are unsigned types.
C+ +0x引入了两个新的关键字—char16_t和char32_t,它们具有确定的大小(分别是16和32位,见清单3),都是unsigned型的。
C + + 0x introduces two new keywords-char16_t and char32_t-with guaranteed sizes (16 and 32 bits, respectively-see Listing 3) and are unsigned types.
C+ +0x引入了两个新的关键字—char16_t和char32_t,它们具有确定的大小(分别是16和32位,见清单3),都是unsigned型的。