Meanwhile, the paper also summarized the flow of 3-d seismic data interpretation by virtual reality system.
The method can readily get access to the aribitry cross sections from the 3-D seismic data volume and display it.
The exploratory Wells drilled according to 3-d seismic data have proved expectation and produce good industrial oil flows.
Because it is buried deeply with few exploration Wells and lacking of 3-d seismic data, it is very hard to predict the reservoir.
In splicing 3-d seismic data, consistent processing is one of the key technologies because it has a great effect on imaging quality.
First, the paper discusses the knowledge of 3-d seismic data, recommends the mainly methods and the currently situation of research.
The software system for 3-d seismic data acquisition pIan and design is mainly used in computer aided design of 3-d seismic exploration.
Satisfactory results have been reached during the processing of 3-d seismic data from Kashan Block of Iran by using the proposed method.
Purpose: To analyses the 3-d seismic data with visualization, and see the geologic phenomenon and regularity directly hidden in the data.
The results of real cases showed the geologic body can be directly imaged from original 3-D seismic data volume by this method. The scat…
Aiming at studying algorithm of 3-d seismic data and 3-d grid data of topography, a interactive visualization system of 3-d seismic and topography data was discussed.
Sub-volume coherence is one of seismic coherence resulted from the coherence calculation of one sub-volume of any size with another sub-volume in 3-D seismic data volume.
Because of influence of aperture of migration operator, the image of 3-d seismic data volume in space is smeared after migration, which is unfavorable for detecting the faults.
The author USES developed interactive matched filtering software package based on the principle of matched filtering to process the 3-d seismic data in the area of shallow sea.
Seismic data structure characteristics means the waveform character arranged in the time sequence at discrete data points in each 2-D or 3-D seismic trace.
For this reason, the lithological trap investigation has been carried out on the basis of full 3-d seismic migration data.
The orientation of crosswell 3-d component geophone is critical to processing of crosswell seismic data.
The merging of 3 D seismic data can be looked as the issue of optimum in different scale space mathematically, the key is how to realize the time variant merging.
The results can be applied in geophysics, used in 3-d earth's structure inversion from the seismic surface waves data.
The results can be applied in geophysics, used in 3-d earth's structure inversion from the seismic surface waves data.