Those observations have revealed that SN 1979c has not dimmed in the 31 years since its birth, as would be expected if this was anything less than a genuine black hole.
这些观察结果透露了SN 1979c从它出生后的31年里还没有暗淡下去,可以想象,如果说有任何不同,都比不上一个真正的黑洞那样激动人心。
This would make the object in SN 1979c the youngest and brightest example of such a "pulsar wind nebula" and the youngest known neutron star.
如果是这样的话,SN 1979c中的这个天体将是迄今为止观测到的最年轻最明亮的“脉冲风星云”,是已知最年轻的中子星。
What makes this one -- dubbed SN 1979C -- special is that it has been observed over the years with a series of orbiting x-ray telescopes, most lately the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.
使得这个天体(被称为SN 1979C)如此特别的事实在于多年以来它已经被一系列轨道上的X射线望远镜所观察研究,最近的观测是钱德拉X射线天文台所做的。
The default LDAP authentication filter is (|(cn=%*)(|(&(sn=%a)(givenname=%z))(&(sn=%z)(givenname=%a)))).
默认的LDAP身份验证过滤器是 (|(cn=%*)(|(&(sn=%a)(givenname=%z))(&(sn=%z)(givenname=%a))))。
A 30-year-old object believed to be the youngest black hole ever seen, is a remnant of SN 1979c, a supernova in the galaxy M100, shown here, approximately 50 million light-years from Earth.
一个三十岁年龄的天体据信是人类观察到的最年轻的黑洞,它是M 100星系里名为SN 1979c的超新星的余烬,距离地球大约5000万光年,如上图所示。
As you might guess, the sn attribute type is not general-purpose: it is only used to specify the surname of a person.
Currently, the M51 supernova, designated SN 2011dh, is still bright enough to follow with a small telescope.
M 51的超新星被冠以sn 2011dh的编号,它的亮度目前依然大到可以用小型望远镜观测到。
He became convinced ofthis through his studies of the salamander protein Prod 1, which servesas a road map for cell regrowth in salamanders and newts (SN: 11/3/07, p. 276).
We found that during laparoscopic SN mapping there is a high risk of false negativity with SNs located in the right paracardial region.
Although there are several remaining issues, SN navigation should provide a paradigm shift for the surgical management of early gastric cancer in near future.
The Bainiuchang Ag deposit is a large Ag-Sn-pb-Zn deposit discovered and explored in recent years.
As an application, we analyze the energy propagation during collective SN explosions in a merging model of galaxy formation.
This article presents the application of a new coating material(Sn Pb rare earth alloy)in the wire & cable industry.
Elevation of iron content in SN is one of the mechanisms responsible for the reduction of DA content. Desferrioxamine mesylate may exert a protective action on dopaminergic neurons.
Focusing on the throttle control system of intelligent vehicle, a model reference adaptive SN-PID controller is presented.
Cu Sn plating is a right substitute for nickel coating because it is not allergic to human body, can meet anti diffusion requirement and has a lower cost.
SN 8540 is a mixture of resins and auxiliaries. It can be used for the finishing of "fur with frost" effect, having more fixation than SN 8537.
SN 8540是树脂和多种助剂的混合物,可用于“草上霜”效应革的涂饰,其比SN 8537有更好的固定性能。
A new electroplating technology of solderable bright Sn-Sb alloy of bath components and operating conditions were studied.
Many of the activities exchanged among enterprises in a SN are of a service nature, and the final output is often a combination of tangible products and services which the end-customer purchases.
A process for plating Sn on metal fasteners was introduced, including degreasing, halide Sn plating, oxidative blackening, polishing and varnishing.
SN: it's a little bit early for me to be able to unleash the entire list of cars.
Conclusion: LPS could induce the degeneration of DA neurons in the SN in a dosage and time dependent manner.
Using a co-electroplating process, it was possible to plate the Au–Sn solder directly onto a wafer at or near the eutectic composition from a single solution.
SN 1987A is sited in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy adjacent to our own Milky Way Galaxy.
SN 1987A位于邻近的大麦哲伦星云,一个毗连我们银河系的矮星系。
After suspension property experiment of SN, bta, binary suspension agent, a new suspension agent for alcohol-base foundry coating was obtained.
A series of SN type reactive dyes have been synthesized and the relationship between the dyeing property and its constitution has been studied in this paper.
Tin doped indium oxide (ITO) films were deposited on glass substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering using a metallic alloy target (in Sn, 90 10).
采用铟锡合金靶(铟锡,90 - 10),通过直流反应磁控溅射在玻璃基片上制备出ito薄膜,并在大气环境下高温退火处理。
An access transistor (54) is coupled between each storage node (SN, SNB) and a write bit line (WWB0) and controlled by a write word line (WWL0).
An access transistor (54) is coupled between each storage node (SN, SNB) and a write bit line (WWB0) and controlled by a write word line (WWL0).