A beholder with this feat can apply the effects of metamagic feats to its eye rays.
A beholder mage's spells function at a caster level equal to twice its beholder mage level.
As a beholder, the weird relationship between Chinese civils and powers might be too kafkaesque.
Theoretically, a beholder mage with monk levels could use its arcane hand for its unarmed attacks.
When closing with an enemy, a beholder tries to cause as much disruption and confusion as possible.
A beholder can tilt and pan its body each round to change which rays it can bring to bear in any given arc.
The somatic components of a beholder mage's spells are supplied by the weaving and waving of its spell-stalks.
A beholder mage's arcane hand has an effective Strength score equal to the creature's beholder mage class level.
To learn or cast a spell, a beholder mage must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level.
The song takes effort; a beholder mage that is casting spells cannot speak or use its mouth to do anything else that round, including making bite attacks.
Through ritual destruction of its central eye, a beholder can learn to channel and use magic much more quickly and efficiently than can almost any other race.
A beholder mage of high level typically knows a huge number of spells and can call upon any one of them at any time, providing it has a spell slot open of the appropriate spell level.
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but I think anyone who reads beautiful Code will find that it's a beautiful book.
Few of us read as Twombly did, steeping himself in Greek, Latin and English verse, and teasing the beholder to follow up enigmatic quotations scrawled in a languid stain on his sighs of paintings.
And yet such a forgery would perfectly reflect the contemporary faith in science to conquer every realm, even one where beauty is supposed to be in the eye of the beholder.
The word "magical" is not used lightly - this painting may well be a talisman of Venus designed to achieve real effects on the beholder.
Monarchy like a household brand exists first in the mind and heart of the beholder.
Eye of the beholder: Inside this experimental camera, a stretchable sensor array sits below a liquid lens.
It's partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of beholder".
It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet.
More often than not, we assume that "beauty is only in the eye of the beholder" -that it is nothing more than a completely subjective and relative judgment.
Her wings have a huge span that seems almost infinite to the beholder.
The beholder likes to use this ray on any foe it considers a real threat.
Fixed a bug where frozen beholder disappears for a while when hit from uppercut attack.
In order to regain spell resistance, the beholder must spend a full-round action to absorb the energy stored in the eye.
That's kind of a trick question, as fairness and unfairness are usually in the eye of the beholder.
That's kind of a trick question, as fairness and unfairness are usually in the eye of the beholder.