A bilingual dictionary sometimes gives the wrong meaning for the situation you want.
By that I mean that you should not use the first translation you find in a bilingual dictionary when you see that it really does not fit within the given context.
Many people assume that the only prerequisites for translating are a bilingual dictionary , an exhaustive encyclopedia, and an ability to speak and write two languages.
Instead of using a bilingual dictionary that translates the terms to your own language, you'll get descriptions in English and you'll understand the words from the context.
In the past, students were recommended to buy a thick bilingual dictionary as a tool to learn English.
Among various dictionaries, bilingual learner's dictionary is more generally employed in the initial stages of learning a language.
Word alignment is a basic problem of Cross-lingual Natural Language Processing. Many NLP tasks based on bilingual corpus such as SBMT, EBMT, WSD, Automated Dictionary Extraction need to align words.
This is an in-depth study of the significance of cross-cultural research for the translation of dictionary entries in the compilation of a bilingual edition.
This is an in-depth study of the significance of cross-cultural research for the translation of dictionary entries in the compilation of a bilingual edition.