White wines. From Australia to California and France itself, white wines will have a boom year.
Late in December 1997—a boom year for hominid fossils in the Middle Awash—graduate student Henry Gilbert noticed the top of a cranium eroding out of the Daka sediments.
And the boom is set to continue, with the American generics sector forecast to grow by over 9% a year to 2012.
WITH world merchandise trade growing by around 15% a year and China's exports at nearly twice that rate, the boom in container shipping is set to run and run.
The social-promotion space has been on a tear this year, stirring memories of the dot-com boom.
2011 is the first year where it feels like a real boom - much like 1996.
There has been talk of a boom like that of the 1970s, when 25 or so plants started construction each year in rich countries.
It is winning customers from its rivals and, after a profitable quarter, is hoping to post its first full-year profit since the boom.
They are less efficient than a carbon price and distort the market—witness Spain’s solar feed-in tariff, which caused a boom in the industry, followed by a bust this year.
这项手段没有碳税那样富有成效,而且扭曲市场。 例如西班牙的太阳能关税补贴使工业得到蓬勃发展,但随之而来的则是萧条的一年。
But nationwide house-price inflation was propped up by a 40% surge in Perth last year, thanks to the minerals boom.
We've written a lot this year about the boom in e-readers and the benefits that e-books have over print.
Even though Packard outsold Cadillac that year, the company was concerned because its 1934 sales (6,552) were only a fraction of the 44,634 cars Packard sold in the boom year of 1929.
Even though Packard outsold Cadillac that year, the company was concerned because its 1934 sales (6, 552) were only a fraction of the 44, 634 cars Packard sold in the boom year of 1929.
It IS now more than a year since the clean-up of Nigeria's banking system began, after a credit boom that went bad.
Later that year, at a Congressional hearing on the merger boom, he argued that Wall Street had tamed risk.
The 60-year super-boom is a more complicated case.
Real estate prices have cooled and stock prices peaked in October 2007 after a two-year boom that saw shares rise six-fold in value.
That is most true of the Fed, which slashed rates between 2001 and 2003, held them at 1% for a year and then raised them in slow, predictable quarter-point steps, fuelling the housing boom.
This year there will be a boom in loans as they shrug off the downturn.
This was during the dot -com boom, so this was when things were moving very fast, people were talking about 2.6 Internet years being a year — or was it an Internet year being 2.6 months?
这是在. com呈爆炸式增长的时期,形势变化非常快,人们都说一年大致等同于2.6个internet年,或者应该说一个internet年约为2.6个月。
Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income, many are turning to private schools, even at price tags of well over $10,000 a year.
To head off inflationary pressures caused by Germany's post-unification boom, the Bundesbank in July 1992 raised interest rates to 8.75%, a 60-year high.
Thanks to the macroeconomic stability afforded by the euro, lavish EU subsidies, a property boom and a huge influx of immigrant workers, the economy has grown by some 4% a year.
While it once made sense for people who could afford it to buy a home and flip it after two years, and the market has improved moderately this year, we're hardly in a boom.
Despite its fears over a falling birth rate, Japan can expect a major but temporary economic boost from next year as the baby boom generation spends for its retirement, a study said.
The news show reports that the area's local cosmetic surgeons are doing a busy trade at this time of the year, coping with the Holiday season boom in procedures.
When World War II ended in 1945 and the Baby Boom began the following year, the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage became a cornerstone of society and led to unprecedented levels of homeownership.
When World War II ended in 1945 and the Baby Boom began the following year, the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage became a cornerstone of society and led to unprecedented levels of homeownership.