The bus boycott lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement.
For his service, Carter would earn a civil servants wage of around $2, 500 a year.
But it's not without controversy: The proposed changes suggested this year have sparked a kind of civil war within psychiatry.
The infighting is some of the most serious since Hamas routed Fatah forces in the Gaza civil war a year ago.
It is my hope we be fair, respectful and civil as a matter of fact, it would be a kind thing to do this New Year to forget about ourselves and help someone else.
In a civil lawsuit filed last year, Motorola accused Jin, 13 other individuals and two companies of conspiracy, misappropriation of trade secrets and other alleged misdeeds.
Unusually for the Tories, there is talk of increasing civil liberties and imprisoning fewer people; and in another SOP to the Liberals, Britons next year will vote on a change to their voting system.
If you come from a country that practises civil law (where a written legal code holds sway), then you must spend first spend a year getting a Master of Laws at an American university.
On top of this, lawmakers get 40 round trips a year to their constituencies and free train travel, as well as pension benefits that accumulate twice as fast as those of civil servants.
Sarah Ashman, who entered a civil partnership with Claire last year after 13 years together, said: "Charles was very special to me.
在与克莱儿一起生活了13年后,莎拉.阿西曼与克莱儿正式登记结婚。 她说:“查理对我们而言是非常特别的。
In Sri Lanka a four-year lull in a long-running civil war led to strong growth in tourism.
Celebrating the civil New Year on January 1 would be a more judicious choice for state organisations. Not only would they avoid offending anyone, but also make some people happier.
Since ending a 27-year civil war in 2002, Angola has become one of sub-Saharan Africa's richest countries.
This week, in a nod to their concerns, Mr Obama imposed a two-year freeze on civil servants' pay.
They also used a civil calendar and special national festivals were associated with the New Year time.
After a 17-year civil war that destroyed much of the country's infrastructure, logistics remain poor.
Yuan Jun, 24, once a cunguan in Daye city, Hubei province, was recruited as a civil servant in Hubei's Huangshi city this year.
Sister Victoria Marie is in her second year. She came to the convent with a degree in civil engineering.
About 70% of its 7.3m people live in abject poverty in the countryside.It has still not fully recovered from a vicious five-year civil war that ended in 1997.
About 70% of its 7.3m people live in abject poverty in the countryside. It has still not fully recovered from a vicious five-year civil war that ended in 1997.
Basically a civil war will start,” said Hayatullah Tawhidy, a 38-year-old shopkeeper in the eastern city of Jalalabad.
Last year, two broad nosed caimans were seized by civil police in a Rio favela and sent to a zoo in the nearby city of Niteroi.
Last year, two broad nosed caimans were seized by civil police in a Rio favela and sent to a zoo in the nearby city of Niteroi.