And a couple of months before Jeh's first flight.
Some here last no more than a couple of months before the 1 shutters come down.
' That was a couple of months before he … it's still weird even to say, 'before he died'.
Bart begins running his Yasso 800s a couple of months before his goal marathon. The first week he does four.
So I strongly recommend students to work in a lab for at least a couple of months before they choose research as a career.
At the moment, movie fans generally have to wait at least a couple of months before a picture is released on DVD or for digital download.
Remember it can take a couple of months before inspiration strikes, depending on what you ask, but if you really want it enough, it is worth the wait.
Nor is securing parliamentary approval when the vote is taken in March, a couple of months before Mr Blair is expected to announce his departure date.
Remember it can take a couple of months before inspiration strikes, depending on what you ask, but if you really want it enough, it is worth the wait.
Grzegorz Trubilowicz of Iks mobile, winner of the Flash Award said: "We had just started creating mobile games for a couple of months before the competition."
Another friend, who has battled and vanquished cancer, told me the other day of going to lunch with his 98-year-old father a couple of months before his death.
Then, a couple of months later, one morning in the eastern sky just before dawn, Sirius would reappear.
With one month of the season left before the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, take a look at the cold, snowy days of the last couple months.
The family subsequently spent months in a couple of rough homeless shelters before settling in the Jacob Riis projects, a few blocks from the Rosens' penthouse.
When Hulcr resampled some belly buttons after a couple months and dozens of showers, their bacteria — the same bacteria from before — were still growing happily.
I'll tell you, I - about a couple of months - I mean, before I was offered the job of being Secretary of State, I was still, obviously, serving in the United States Senate.
Over the next couple of months, they are going to have to deal with a new breed of graduates, one which is just as talented, just as ambitious, and just as qualified as those who came before.
在接下来的几个月时间里,他们要去应对一批新生代毕业生; 和他们的前辈们一样,他们才华横溢,胸怀大志且能胜任工作。
Over the next couple of months, they are going to have to deal with a new breed of graduates, one which is just as talented, just as ambitious, and just as qualified as those who came before.
在接下来的几个月时间里,他们要去应对一批新生代毕业生; 和他们的前辈们一样,他们才华横溢,胸怀大志且能胜任工作。