A danger zone exists when you get clear about where you want to be.
The forest was in the torrid zone and was a danger zone because there were many wild animals.
The forest was in the torrid zone and was a danger zone because there were many wild animals .
Local residents evacute a danger zone as the Merapi volcano releases ash clouds near the village of Balerante in Indonesia.
The employee is required to place any part of his or her body into a danger zone associated with a machine operating cycle.
The Bermuda Triangle, known to soldiers as "the Graveyard of the Atlantic", is not recognized by the U. S. Navy as a danger zone.
A summary of the three food preparation processes in terms of number of times through the temperature danger zone can be depicted in a danger zone diagram.
ROBERT ZOELLICK : We're still in a danger zone. There are three issues that Europe is trying to struggle with at once: competitiveness, the banking system and sovereign debt.
After a single shock, the infant mice learned to dodge the danger zone.
The global economy has entered a new danger zone with little running room as European countries resist difficult truths about the common responsibilities of a common currency.
Some of the children appeared in the danger zone when a plastic bracelet was used for measurement.
And though several European airlines conducted successful test flights in the danger zone, the engines of a Finnish military jet suffered considerable damage as a result of breathing in the ash.
At one point, when weather finally cleared, an errant cargo ship strayed into the danger zone on the Eastern Range, a patch of restricted waters on the Atlantic Ocean over which rocket launches fly.
They were a hundred feet clear of the danger zone.
Ms Bligh said gale force winds could be felt along the north Queensland coast from as early as 8am tomorrow, and residents in the danger zone had a narrow window to prepare.
NASA planned to launch the demo rocket on Tuesday but was stymied by cloudy skies over the Kennedy Space Center and by a boat that wandered into the launch danger zone.
Each rodent wore a harness connected to a rope strung out in a straight line between two handlers standing about 5 meters apart and outside the danger zone.
The 3D seismic exploration technology for exploration of gas outburst danger zone will have a wide application outlook.
The skipper, so surprisingly fit for the game, had taken bravery to new lengths when he put his head into the danger zone in an attempt to score, suffering a sickening blow from an Arsenal boot.
The skipper, so surprisingly fit for the game, had taken bravery to new lengths when he put his head into the danger zone in an attempt to score, suffering a sickening blow from an Arsenal boot.