How can a disabled person sail around the world?
This beautiful song was written by a disabled person.
To a disabled person, even 50 meters is a long distance to cover.
No one in the bar appears surprised to see a disabled person dancing.
According to the Equality Act 2010 a disabled person "has a physical or mental impairment."
It shall be prohibited to commit domestic violence against, maltreat or abandon a disabled person.
But they never laugh at a disabled person or a madman. Sympathy is felt to be stronger than laughter.
Everything from the way we search for information to the way a disabled person inputs data has changed.
It opens invisible doors and walls that would-be employers and others can put up when they see a disabled person.
Since I have followed our teacher to practice, it has been nineteen years that I don't think I am a disabled person.
On a club level, we might take books to a school, help a disabled person with errands, or volunteer in a jobs program.
An adaptive physical education trainer helps a disabled person find a regimen of activities that are manageable and enjoyable.
Should a severely disabled person be helped to take their own life because they strongly object to living as a disabled person?
If anyone would like to reach any wheelchair bodybuilder or if you know a disabled person let them know of this site or tell them to contact me about any comments.
The only difference about scuba diving by a disabled person is that the disabled require assistance when submerging. Once they actually dive, all the differences melt away.
Teacher: Rehabilitation is the process whereby a disabled person is assisted to regain and use his physical, mental, social and vocational potential as far as the disability permits.
Article 58 When a motor wheel chair vehicle of a disabled person or an electric bicycle is running within the non-motor vehicle lane, the maximum speed per hour shall not exceed 15 kilometers.
Superstition and a lack of knowledge make people point out disabled persons as symbols of what scares them the most. A disabled person makes the abstract idea of vulnerability become present.
If you pass someone in the park who is physically disabled, speak to the person in a friendly manner in the same way that you might with any other community member.
There is a misconception that any autistic person who advocates for support and acceptance instead of cure must be "high functioning" (see Controversy 5.) and not actually be disabled by their autism.
Police often won't exert much effort when a mentally disabled person disappears, he said, and even if they're rescued, their testimony is not taken seriously because of their impairment.
It's customary in China for a person to give up his seat to an old or disabled man or a pregnant woman in a crowded bus.
When you see that the disabled can do almost everything else that an able person can, you gain a different perspective on life. So both we and the disabled benefit from scuba diving.
When you see that the disabled can do almost everything else that an able person can, you gain a different perspective on life. So both we and the disabled benefit from scuba diving.