Several times during your workday find a quiet place. It may be at your desk, or if it is not quiet enough there, it can be at the bathroom, an empty room or some other quiet spot.
All it has is an empty bookshelf and a computer desk inside a room - you can creatively fill it up with ICONS of your frequently used programs, folder shortcuts, control panel ICONS, etc.
Then the beautiful bride went from one room to another, walking through the whole house, but it was entirely empty, and not a human soul was to be found.
Next, the researchers trained the dogs to understand that a bowl on one side of a room was full of yummy food, while a bowl on the other side was empty.
Or, put Wii controllers into empty paint spray cans, give the cans to a group of kids who can then "spray" the walls of the room with virtual graffiti.
"I have to see you," he said in a low voice, without thinking, as if there were someone else in the empty common room.
Some, like selflessness, might come from meditating in an empty room, and others, like a knowledge of human nature, might come from going to drunken parties.
Have you ever heard a song when none was playing, clearly seen someone’s face when no one was there or felt the presence of a person, only to turn around to an empty room?
They held us in an empty room where the nurses and I sat together on a stack of mattresses.
Use Long Exposures a venue is rarely entirely empty; and we can't waste precious seconds waiting for people to clear the room.
On the day of the hearing the emergency room was empty, tarpaulins hung in some hallways and a small white boat was marooned in an adjoining parking lot.
To measure canine psychology, researchers trained dogs to recognize that bowls on one side of a room contained food, while bowls on the other side were empty.
My mother, who had studied at a French school in Istanbul, sat us down at the empty dining-room table every morning that summer and tried to teach us French.
It's a modest project, and that reading room seemed to me like the bottom of a well when it was empty that morning.
On a recent Monday evening, a waiter in a gray uniform attended to a largely empty dining room.
In an empty room, you can meditate, sleep, pray, think, compose, do a workout, talk with a friend.
The main room is empty, save for a square wooden dining table with four narrow benches.
Meanwhile, Molly walked into Bridget's room holding a bouquet of daffodils. Seeing the empty bed, she turned to her mother's roommate.
与此同时,茉莉拿了一束水仙花去了病房,看到床上空的, 就问同室的病友:"做手术还没回来吗."
Meanwhile, Molly walked into Bridget's room holding a bouquet of daffodils. Seeing the empty bed, she turned to her mother's roommate.
He risked a glance and saw that the room was empty.
A dozen men had squeezed around a table in Mr. Han's room, which was lined with empty beer bottles.
"It feels like a pea," she said to the empty room.
I dreamt of a large empty room.
Psychology, researchers trained dogs to recognize that bowls on one side of a room contained food, while bowls on the other side were empty.
They found a man sleeping in an empty room.
A musician gets inspired by the silence of an empty room.
But bullying is often a performance that demands an audience: you can't ostracise someone from an empty room, or gossip about them to the wind.
Admiring a painting inside an otherwise empty room will provide information about only the painting, but does not constitute a measurement.
Late at night, hiding in a room I wanted to cry, but find that I have already broke down in tears, the heart is empty, very painful, very distant dream.
Late at night, hiding in a room I wanted to cry, but find that I have already broke down in tears, the heart is empty, very painful, very distant dream.