He suggested that preretirees should speak with a financial adviser to set long-term financial goals.
Then you will need to find a financial adviser.
A financial adviser at a reputable institution can help.
If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser.
That somebody might be a friend or a financial adviser.
"In Washington I worked in a cubicle," says a financial adviser.
Hiring a financial adviser was expensive, but he's worth the price.
Thee reasons why I'd like to be a financial adviser can be list as follows.
But pick a partner 'similar to the way you choose a husband,' advises Stacy Francis, a financial adviser in New York.
纽约理财顾问斯泰西·弗朗西斯(Stacy Francis)说,找合伙人“要像找老公一样。”
If a financial adviser is in any doubt about its ability to meet these requirements, it should consult the Executive in advance.
Paul, a graduate student in New York City, and Donna, a financial adviser, are just two in a long, flourishing line of kissin 'first Cousins.
The company has formed a committee of board members to evaluate alternatives and has hired a financial adviser, the Wall Street Journal reported.
If the Executive considers that a financial adviser is not able to meet these requirements, it may not allow that financial adviser to act in that capacity.
Robert Wasilewski, a financial adviser at Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors in Columbia, Md., will put up to 15% of a client's assets in these securities.
Read the personal finance pages of newspapers, search the Internet, book an appointment with a financial adviser - do whatever it takes for you to get money-savvy.
Then I sat down with my agent, my financial adviser and my parents and told them I had a number in mind I wanted to put away every paycheck.
Amid skepticism from friends, she retrained for a career as a personal financial adviser.
Because it was able to write off risky loans early this year, according to James Kurz, a senior Fonkoze financial adviser, its portfolio at risk has fallen to 5 percent in recent months.
Take stock of your financial situation with a professional adviser, if you haven't done so already.
The White House is proposing to create a 'financial viability adviser' who would be authorized immediately to negotiate plans for returning each auto maker to economic stability.
His financial adviser was convicted four years ago of fraud in the case and served a two-year prison sentence before being paroled last month.
Taleb, who is an adviser to the firm and an investor, gained fame for 'The Black Swan, ' a book that suggested unlikely events in the financial markets are far more likely than most investors believe.
The highest ethics isn't just a sales angle, it's what you should expect as a minimum from your financial adviser.
So we went together to visit a nice French expatriate financial adviser and real estate guy, who was kind enough to suggest the best way to transfer the money.
NYB financial adviser is a consulting company, she is one of the world's leading services of derivatives trading for retail investors.
NY B金融咨询是一家咨询服务公司,她是全球领先的零售客户衍生交易服务商之一。
NYB financial adviser is a consulting company, she is one of the world's leading services of derivatives trading for retail investors.
NY B金融咨询是一家咨询服务公司,她是全球领先的零售客户衍生交易服务商之一。