A herd of horses is what the herdsman wants to have.
Every time I heard her heart go galloping like a herd of horses it made her more real.
Every time I heard her heart go galloping like a herd of horses, it made her more real.
Jack turned the page. There was a picture of a herd of horses. Two of them even looked like the beautiful mare and her colt.
In the high desert of southwest Utah lives a band of feral horses known as the Sulphur Herd.
犹他州西南部的高地沙漠里生活着一群野马,它们被称作赛而菲马群(Sulphur Herd)。
He agreed to a new fair price for the herd of horses, as set by the honest price maker.
A vast herd of horses appeared below them. There were riders too, a score or more, but they turned and fled at the first sight of the dragon.
More horses and suddenly we are in the middle of a herd of camels with moulting coats.
A herd of antelopes, asses, buffalos, caribou, deer, elephants, elk, giraffes, harts, horses, ibex, moose, seals, sheep, walruses, whales, zebras.
A herd of antelopes, asses, buffalos, caribou, deer, elephants, elk, giraffes, harts, horses, ibex, moose, seals, sheep, walruses, whales, zebras.