It was a holy place for a religious person to head for.
As a spiritual being, you are the most beautiful, wondrous, and holy person alive.
In Holy Communion, a person receives the earthly elements of bread and wine along with the spiritual elements of the true body and blood of Christ. (the Real Presence).
And at the same time, I am a very luck person, finding the problems before we join our lives together in holy matrimony.
For Miss Middleton, the associations she has with the Abbey are quite simply the same as any British person would have for such a glorious and holy place.
Now, in the truly spiritual connotation, a truly holy person or person of God is in no way different from anyone else.
A circle of light or radiance surrounding the head or body of a representation of a deity or holy person; a halo.
A circle of light or radiance surrounding the head or body of a representation of a deity or holy person; a halo.