Living a simple, Gandhi like life requires one to have as few things as possible and not to waste our resources, especially in our homes.
After our wedding last October, my wife moved into my place and it took less than a month to learn a few things: the life-size Elvis cutout actually does look better in my office than the living room.
Because that's the magic number at which most Americans can pay their basic living expenses and have a little something left over for the good things they want in life.
I got rid of unnecessary things so I could focus on what's important in my life, so I could focus on relationships and pursuing my passions and living a meaningful life.
They simply hate living a monotonous life and doing the same everyday things.
You create your own imaginary boxes simply by living life and accepting certain things as "real" when they are just as illusory as the beliefs of a paranoid delusional.
They were content with the simple things in life that come free: a beach day, a horsey back ride from daddy, a story and a back scratching from mommy, pillow-and-blanket tents in the living room.
And then I have a another piece by Rodin just to remind me that it's not all about thinking, there are other things that just make life worth living.
It’s the emotional balance sheet we keep that allows us to say honestly whether we’re living a happy life, in spite of bad things now and then.
While Craters of the Moon is a forbidding landscape, there are many things living there, including several kinds of animals and many different forms of plant life.
It is because the leading countries did good things in previous life, and so this life they have a good living standard.
The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.
In a world where humans are the measure of all things, every unique manifestation of life becomes merchandise and rare butterflies have little chance of living out their own evolutionary destiny.
The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.
Things like hard work and living a righteous life are taught with great importance in Confucius' teaching.
This laziness keeps us from growing, from trying new things and from living a more balanced and happier life.
Living life, I'm just a dust, and some things are not of a man can control, some frustrated is impulsive heart is difficult to get rid of!
If we want to live a better life and have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.
The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surrounding.
Thee history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.
And gave up his life, and living in the world have a lot of happy things waiting for you, some people will want to if there is no money.
Promote respect for life and living things by letting them help you build a bird feeder and hang it up.
If we want to live a better life and have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.
Art is small beer. The really serious things in life are earning one's living so as not to be a parasite, and loving one's neighbour.
People hope that by designing they could produce easy-to-use things, create a good living environment, and enjoy the happiness of life.
In my life many things have changed, when I arrived here I was just 17 years old. Now I'm 19 and I know that I'm living a great experience. I feel like in a great family.
The things he said became a message that resounded loud and clear in my head: If I wasn't 18 my life would quickly become nothing short of a living nightmare.
This part is a main part for this paper, mainly from the human and the nature, the awe life, all living things equality three aspects, unifies the concrete movie case concrete study.
Living your life in truth can often mean sacrificing a few other things, which might be a stable and comfortable life, but the benefits are going to outweigh being comfortable.
Now she is considered a living legend because of her acting skills, her stunning beauty and many, many things through her life.