As it relates to recipe constructs, JAUS defines a command structure that operates like opcodes in the low-level machine language of, say, a microcontroller.
In his original introduction to BDD, it was the use of language at a low level which prompted Dan to change "test" for "should". Neel Lakshminarayan picks up on this.
The first one is, whether this is a high-level or low-level language.
The language also provides interfaces, allowing more high-level statements to be used to represent a collection of low-level "allow" statements.
If BPEL is used, it is important that BPEL is controlling the high level steps, not being used as a visual coding language to perform low-level logic.
Translator: a compiler, interpreter or assembler conversion program that translates a high-level language or low-level language into machine language.
Syllabus:Create a new programming language including letter analysis, syntax analysis, generate low-level command and automatic optimization program;
"Assembly language" (Assembly language) is a computer professional in a major foundation courses, is a low-level machine-oriented language.
"Assembly language" (Assembly language) is a computer professional in a major foundation courses, is a low-level machine-oriented language.