As luck would have it, a doctor happened to be there when she fainted.
As luck would have it, a doctor happened to be there when he fainted.
Killing time, she checked in to the restaurant and, as luck would have it, a friend who was in the neighborhood dropped by.
As luck would have it, just such a format exists.
As luck would have it, I found a job.
As luck would have it, there happens to be a woman out there named Belle with a heart big enough to share with unfortunate-looking people such as the Beast, and she's not too bad to look at either.
As luck would have it, a Woodcutter nearby.
But to make a living from it? I would have needed a lot more luck - as well as a massive supercomputer.
Nothing of importance occurred to either of them until, as luck would have it, they met on a hill near Hashimoto, which is half-way between the two cities.
As luck would have it, the drowning man caught hold of a piece of plank blown toward him by a sudden gust.
As bad luck would have it, you lose control of the car and drive it into a stop sign.
As luck would have it, there was a sudden gust when the fire broke out.
Had it not been for a stroke of good luck, his career would have already subsided.
As luck would have it, a baseball hit me in the ball park.
As luck would have it, I have met some professionals who just love food and this is a good start to my achieving the mission.
As luck would have it, Fengbu sent me a voice message on 2017 New Year's day and said I 'm glad to see that you are gradually becoming the dreamy woman you want to be.
Luck would have it that Fleming had decided not to store his culture in a warm incubator, and that London was then hit by a cold spell, giving the mold a chance to grow.
As luck would have it, the thing weighed more than it looked, and lifting it was a job more suited to a derrick than a hundred-and-ten-pound college student.
Charlotte will be infected with worry little sister Anne, is such a thing as luck would have it.
As luck would have it he met with a critic who was hostile to him.
Her wedding ring was a wide one, but it was only nine carat, and her mother told her she would never have a day's good luck with such a ring. How right she was.
As luck would have it, I had some free time in London on a weekday (Tuesday I think it was) and checked out that week's edition of time out magazine and there it was!
As luck would have it, I had some free time in London on a weekday (Tuesday I think it was) and checked out that week's edition of time out magazine and there it was!