These same men can be found there day after day and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community.
"Affairs of state leave me no time for lengthy dissertations", he said. "Could you put the essence of religion into a paragraph or two for a busy man like me"?
Even the Bank of England, where the great man kept his money, is planning a new display about his financial affairs.
A man of learning, if he does not wish to degrade himself, must never cease to participate in public affairs.
For a man who aspires to practice, these affairs mentioned above are petty to them, while knowledge becomes the biggest obstruct on the entry of his practice is the most serious one.
In the era of popular cheating, extramarital affairs either for man still a woman, no treason and heresy task.
He was a man of letters with no interest in current affairs .
The man transacts many affairs connected with purchase of a home.
All Planets above the Earth, make a man illustrious and generally known far and near, and being all swift in motion, render him dextrous and nimble in the dispatch of affairs.
A divorce lawyer said about 70 percent of couples divorce because of affairs. "Mostly it is the man."
A divorce lawyer said about 70 percent of couples divorce because of affairs. "Mostly it is the man."