His calculations suggest Nemesis is between 3 to 5 times the mass of Jupiter, rather than the 13 Jupiter masses or greater that some scientists think is a necessary quality of a brown dwarf.
他的计算认为“复仇者”应该介于3- 5倍木星质量,而不是某些科学家认为的13倍木星质量或者更大质量以达到形成褐矮星的必要质量。
The calculation of masses, centers of mass and moments of inertia of whole structure and components of rocket engines is a very important part of CAD and optimization of rocket engines and missiles.
Additionally, there is some evidence for intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), those with masses of a few thousand times that of the Sun.
In our own Milky Way, which is quite typical of nearby, massive spiral galaxies, the number of observed high-mass stars indicates that stars are forming at a rate of a few solar masses a year.
In our own Milky Way, which is quite typical of nearby, massive spiral galaxies, the number of observed high-mass stars indicates that stars are forming at a rate of a few solar masses a year.