The chances are a million to one against being struck by lightning.
It was a million to one chance, but it had happened.
The chances of us getting out of here are a million to one.
The odds of our soccer team winning the World Cup are about a million to one.
由于队员经常患病,我们获胜的机会 微乎其微。
Let me throw a mathematical dilemma at you - there's 500 left, well how come the odds of you winning are a million to one?
Patrick Jane: Life is a million to one. The universe is one big coincidence. Cosmically improbable coincidences happen all the time. We just don't notice them all.
In the story, the Times revealed this juicy nugget: Faceboook M&A guy Vaughan Smith says that when Facebook is deciding what to pay for a startup "engineers are worth half a million to one million.
While most disease-causing mutated are found in humans at a rate of one in a few thousand to one in a few million people, founder mutation can occur at much higher rates.
It has grown from a one-man business to a multi-million dollar business with close to $10 million in assets.
The main demand of the Indians is for the return of one-and-a-half-million acres of forest to their communities.
Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays.
There are close to one million nerve fibers that connect the eyeball to the brain, as of yet it is impossible to attach them all in a new person.
If you owned a Liberty Head coin from 1913, which is worth about one million dollars, you would probably be willing to give it special treatment, too!
According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired magazine, America's flintknappers produce over a million new arrow and spear heads every year.
One study has calculated that the lifetime benefit to the local economy for a single additional student who completes high school is half a million dollars or more.
In the year to August 2007, IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide.
California's proposed health goal is designed to limit possible cancer risk to just one in a million for those exposed to hexavalent chromium.
There's a new online to-do app that's come out called now do this: - I know, there are already a million of them, but I love this one for its simplicity and philosophy that's so similar to mine.
Now you just have one or two things to do, instead of a million. You clear distractions, and focus.
If you were to take a penny from every account at any one of the major Banks, it easily amounts to several million dollars.
The Sun bent light from distant stars to a focal point where one million-fold magnifications should be possible, dwarfing the abilities of the most powerful telescopes.
Anesthetic gasses contribute as much to global warming each year as a million passenger cars or one coal-fired power plant.
Experimental work shows that about one random peptide in a million can bind to a given molecular target.
Now you just have one or two things to do, instead of a million.
Yakutia, the region of which it is the capital, covers more than a million square miles, but it is home to fewer than one million people.
Last year Wuling became the first brand in China to sell a million cars in a year. This year, it's expected to account for nearly one-sixth of GM vehicle sales world-wide.
But now I had a moment's pause before replying, unwilling to pronounce those two simple words: one million.
This makes them incredibly strong and incredibly light, and they've already been manufactured in strands with a length-to-diameter ratio of 132 million to one.
It should be no surprise that Zend offers a framework for PHP - a popular one at 2 million downloads to date.
It should be no surprise that Zend offers a framework for PHP - a popular one at 2 million downloads to date.