But the important thing is to make a public commitment to a credible medium-term plan, and carry it out as soon as economic circumstances safely permit.
"Some have 'quit meters' you can download to your desktop," Moskowitz says. "They help you track how long you've quit." It's important to have immediate reinforcement, to make a public commitment.
Public commitment is a big motivator, of course, but you should have internal ones too.
But many papers can remain sustainable if they are managed properly and driven less by profit imperatives than a commitment to public service.
This is an historic victory for global public health, for the power of partnership and for commitment by countries to fight a terrible disease, "said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General."
We see the same principles guiding international work in public health: a commitment to fairness in health outcomes and collective responsibility for its pursuit.
It means the consolidation of a process of transformation of public Spaces in Montevideo under the "Commitment to Accessibility" program of the City of Montevideo.
And that "Parisians, with their long and deep commitment to the idea that the city is in the most profound sense a public place, feel that Paris is very much their own possession."
We are reaffirming our commitment to helping patients with leprosy and helping to eliminate this disease as a public health problem.
诺华董事长兼首席执行官Daniel Vasella博士说:“我们现重申自己的承诺,要帮助麻风患者并要帮助把这个疾病作为公共卫生问题来消灭。
Following the incident, the company's public-policy blog even boasted of Google's commitment to "giving a voice to 'digital refugees.'"
Many pillars of Japan Inc. speak openly about their "public commitment," a decades-old social contract that companies based in Japan should produce in the country.
If you share our commitment for the community and would like to join a team where community service is more than public relations.
As part of our commitment to public health, our Agriculture Department is closing a loophole in the system to ensure that diseased cows don't find their way into the food supply.
Firm Commitment an arrangement whereby investment bankers purchase the new issue shares of a company outright for resale to the public.
Institutional commitment provides a code for public conduct and regulates the general order of society.
China as the world health organization's framework convention on tobacco control, the party a total ban in public commitment.
We don't carry out our moral commitment by taking up a public stance on these things, but only by choosing to do something about them ourselves.
To make a public declaration of their love and commitment, a man and woman jumped over a broom into matrimony, to the beat of drums.
Next we consider the adversarial model in the Internet environment. We analyze properties that commitment schemes should have especially in the bare public key model and give a formal definition.
"This is a major public health success and a tribute to the commitment of countries in the African region, " said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
"This is a major public health success and a tribute to the commitment of countries in the African region, " said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.