For Tarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamic image of the real flow of events.
However advanced the CGI technology is, the recreated image will differ in a way from the real actor.
For example, the 'click' of a door being opened may simply serve to convince the audience that the image portrayed is real, and the audience may only subconsciously note the expected sound.
We need to promote our image besides it's not a real antique.
"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist, " Llamazares said.
Once started, the image runs as though it were on a real server-you cannot tell the difference remotely.
We cannot know all about the universe, because it exists in the same logic together with us, just like we cannot see our own eyeballs but their image through a mirror. It is not real but an image.
This image shows a faux-office wall that creates for the Multimedia Experience audience the illusion of a real office wall.
Yet if the firm tries to make a real difference to the environment, say by changing its production processes, this eventually becomes part of the firm's organizational capability as well as its image.
Holographic telepresence means we can record a three-dimensional image in one location and show it in another location, in real-time, anywhere in the world.
Viewers can rotate the image in real time. The engineer can tweak a parameter to see how it affects the entire design.
"We created a certain image" based on a real person, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
There's a real sense, I think, in which Milton wanted to re-create all of Western culture or to re-create all of Western culture in his own image.
This generally isn't an issue with fake HDR images (unless the image is blurry to begin with), but it can be a big problem with real HDRs done with tone-mapping and multiple images.
This image would be cool enough if it were some kind of artistic fabrication, but the fact that it's a real photograph is nothing short of amazing.
While repetition in the humdrum of daily life can at times be a little boring - capturing it in your photography can create an image with real impact.
The "printer" icon shows the image of a printer, that relates in a direct similarity to the object printer in the real world.
Los Angeles, California based PicBrk dropped us a note today to let us know that it just launched its new Website devoted to breaking news pictures and real-time image searches.
"The brand is your promise that represents real things that you deliver," said Steve Cannon, vice President of marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA, a company that knows something about image creation.
梅塞德斯·奔驰(Mercedes - Benz)美国公司营销副总裁史蒂夫·卡农称:“品牌就是一个人的承诺,承诺你真正能够做到的事情。”该公司对于形象塑造比较在行。
This will produce a series of thumbnails 25% the size of the real image, with a filename that is the name of the JPEG file with a thumb - prepended.
But contrary to its usage as a content element, the image is used in web design as a medium to communicate a message to the user in order to create a certain context for the real content.
Giant image of a child was placed on pedestrian bridge in Mexico to make real cars look really tiny. Perfect AD campaign for the toy car brand. [link].
When searching for a celebrity, for example, George Clooney, the new opt-in feature will also bring up photos of real friends also called George, at the bottom of the image results page.
Image &video sensors: capture/input from a camera (all kinds of signals can be found in real-time visual information)
Pencil even lets you import existing drawings on real paper into the program, creating a key for each image.
As a result, it can't get the extensive application in real-time image matching field.
Virtual imaging space is a virtual space constructed from the real image, and can be composed of view spaces in a kind of rule.
Virtual imaging space is a virtual space constructed from the real image, and can be composed of view spaces in a kind of rule.