Now I know that some things do not happen in life for a particular reason and this reason is often so amazing that you could not picture it even in your wildest dreams.
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or.
For this reason, I and others will shortly be launching a new initiative, "a Brain For Life", to examine fully the dangers faced by the screen generation.
因为这个原因,我和其他一些人将推出一项新的举措:“aBrainFor Life”,去全面核实屏幕一代所面临的危险。
When someone is in your life for a REASON... It is.
The reason for committing such errors, because we forget that life is a journey as a whole, we feel that they have been growing, now is the time for fruit.
Your life is a brief foray on Earth that started one day for no reason and will inevitably end.
We come here for a reason, that is to train and play football, but there is also this, and I would say it is equally important and when I look back on my life it might be more important.
More often than not, requirements will evolve over the life of the project, if for no other reason than the time it takes to deliver a project often exceeds the time businesses need to make changes.
What's the meaning of life? Does everything happen for a reason? Why is there suffering in the world?
One possible reason: There's something satisfying about adding a little bit of luxury to your life - and even if you're strapped for cash, you can usually fit a lip gloss into your budget.
Friends are a significant aspect of any child's life, and parents with happy children must know who their friends are, and if they don't have any for some reason or the other.
This week’s studies, although not definitive, do provide enough reason for researchers to redouble their efforts to understand the complex links between a child’s early life and its later health.
Another reason is that they may have spent most of their life's savings paying for the wedding of their only child and therefore inevitably keep a watchful eye on their subsequent family life.
The reason for the microbes' astounding life span appears to be due to the fact that they were trapped alongside the algae of a group called Dunaliella.
Reason one because people were scared and looked for a way to say this life isn’t all you get.
"Everything happens for a reason" is the tagline for "City of Life".
Also for this reason people believe that climbing mountains can make people live a more longevous life.
There is a reason for everything that is in your life.
"It is clearly an unconscious influence, as no one would claim name-letter overlap as a reason for making these important life choices," Bargh wrote of the findings.
It has survived since the 6 century BC for a single reason - Sun Tzu's teachings work - both on the military battlefield and the battlefield of life.
Stir the depoliticization of life, stumbling deck lives, painted warm colors of your happiness, happy for a good reason, presents to my love cake, I wish you a happy birthday.
The reason for believing that prolonged life is an evolutionary response to starvation rather than just a weird accident is that when an animal is starving the evolutionary calculus changes.
People come into our life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Thee goals, dreams and desires you have are yours for a reason. They are there to show you and force you to make the most of your life.
In my life I have tried to be a comfort to them in time of sorrow, and a reason for added joy in their happiness.
As soon as you understand that all the events in your life happen for a reason, although you may not yet be aware of the reason, you will come to a better understanding of others and of yourself.
It isn't! People are fascinated by life on other planets for a good reason.
It isn't! People are fascinated by life on other planets for a good reason.