Taylor is a much better shooter and a slightly better passer.
I think the team who scores first might have a slightly better chance.
RSS 1.0 has a slightly better mechanism for coping with this, called content:encoded (see Resources).
RSS 1.0有一种稍微好一点的机制对付它,称为 ccontent:encoded (请参阅参考资料)。
Would-be homeowners face a slightly better scenario - particularly of they have cash to spend and don't need a mortgage.
Steve Jobs' funeral will be held next week after which he will be reburied every six months in a slightly better coffin.
Power's most recent data, Citroen has a slightly better presence in China; it is China's No. 18 auto brand by sales volume .
The camera also correctly identified 11 of the 12 people who were telling the truth - a slightly better rate than the polygraph.
And so tomorrow, provided the forecast holds true and the volcano doesn't get even more active, we're looking like a slightly better situation.
This could be a slightly better business partnership than a love relationship because both of you are so street-savvy and interested in new ventures.
This kind of welding makes the change of the aggregative structure in seam zone thus resulting in a slightly better strength in this zone than in the matrix.
So, we are starting to have a slightly better idea but we still don't know whether the cross section of this thing might be round, square, something else. So, it wants more confirmation.
Moreover, retail sales tell a slightly less gloomy story and may be better indicators of the mood of the middle class than GDP growth.
Research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), a think-tank, shows that pay is actually slightly better in the public sector.
Converting RAW image files to PPM via dcraw was slightly better with Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 4, but a very slim difference.
用dcraw将RAW文件转换成PPM格式文件,Ubuntu 9.10Alpha4要好一点,但好的有限。
I probably could have got this better by being at a slightly different Angle, but it still ranks as one of my favourite moments of the year.
This provides more flexible form handling and slightly better performance than a pure Domino application, but may be considered oddball by pure-J2EE developers.
The two kinds of dialog box are functionally equivalent but have slightly different visual styles to better simulate what a GUI might present.
While many of them are happy with that service on our existing cloud, we recognize that we can do better for some of them with a slightly different or lower-cost offering.
尽管他 们中的很多人都对我们现有的云服务相当满意,但是我们还是意识到可以为他们服务的更好,比如提供仅有些许不同但又更为低廉的服务。
Shell's overall safety performance, as measured by reported injuries per million work hours, was slightly better than BP's, but it has for years suffered a higher fatality rate than its peers.
I cut their hair and put them to bed with songs, hugs and kisses and a promise of a better day tomorrow, if even just slightly.
For example, if you watch three movies in a row and rate them with 4 stars, and then watch the next one which is slightly better, you will rate it 5.
Using a flip chart or other visual AIDS also adds to the time. Remember - it is better to finish slightly early than to overrun.
We looked earlier at a slightly-better-than-trivial server that used a custom protocol, with custom servers and clients, to remotely monitor hits to a Web site.
We looked earlier at a slightly-better-than-trivial server that used a custom protocol, with custom servers and clients, to remotely monitor hits to a Web site.