The album might never have been made without a sound engineer named Frank Watlington.
So, now you know what a sound engineer is.
He is also a guitar teacher and a sound engineer.
Recording is handled by a sound crew. in shooting a sound engineer called a mixer watches the action and regulates the volume and the balance of voices.
Architronixx, founded by an architect, Jay Pogue, an engineer, Barry Beasley, and a sound engineer, Mari DeHart, was a totally new concept in 1981, when it was founded.
Last night owner James Cocksedge, 33, a sound engineer told how he came home to find an officer waiting in his car outside his flat in north-west London – with the door hanging off its hinges.
Randy Merrill, an engineer at Masterdisk, a New York City company that creates master recordings, said that to achieve an overall louder sound, engineers raise the softer volumes toward peak levels.
Ferguson may well have had it in mind to engineer a transition, but Ben Foster was undone when he had to justify his sound reputation by standing between the posts for United week after week.
Liao Qinghuo spends most of his time doing odd jobs at the Miaoli Liaison Office. A retired sound engineer, he says volunteering for Tzu Chi is more demanding yet more satisfying than his old job.
The sound engineer was joining the two bits of tape with a splice.
From the proper set up of your microphones and other sound equipment to any fader moves needed during your set, a good sound engineer can be the most important element to your performance.
Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer.
Rumor has it that he is a rather difficult sound engineer.