We’re looking into a suspected case of personal injury.
It was sudden - an undiagnosed disorder, a suspected case of Marfan syndrome.
Health authorities in China have today announced a suspected case of SARS in the southern province of Guangdong.
On 25 June 2010, Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) reported a suspected case of Yellow fever in Titule, Base Ouele district of Orientale province (northern part of the country).
Such situations include the possible exportation of a case to another country, and a suspected case in a person who may have placed numerous other people at unusually high risk.
July 2010 - on 25 June 2010, Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) reported a suspected case of Yellow fever in Titule, Base Ouele district of Orientale province (northern part of the country).
2010年7月19日- 2010年6月25日,无国界医生(MSF)报告了一例在Orientale省BaseOuele区Titule(该国北部)发生的黄热病疑似病例。
A case of suspected food poisoning in a kindergarten in Liaoning Province has led to several children being sent to hospital.
In one case evidence has surfaced that officers shot a man they suspected of looting.
Another suspected case, not confirmed by the bank, involved surveillance of Hermann-Josef Lamberti, Deutsche's own chief operating officer and a member of Deutsche's management board.
另一起涉嫌案件未得到该行证实,涉及对其首席营运官、管理委员会成员赫尔曼·约瑟夫·兰波特(Hermann -Josef Lamberti)施行监控。
A second suspected case reported in Thies region, Senegal was also a fisherman from Tanji locality in the Gambia, showing neurologic symptoms including an altered mental state.
The confirmed case, a 32 year old man, died from his illness and the other suspected case has recovered.
In a case that has gripped Japan, the woman Oide thought he was about to marry is suspected of murdering him and as many as five other men she befriended via online marriage sites.
The finding is the first suspected case of Trichomonas in a fish, DeWoody said.
In Europe, a spokesman for the Stockholm-based European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said there were about 40 suspected cases beyond the confirmed case in Spain.
Dr. Brett Sponseller, the Iowa veterinarian who treated the cat, said this was the first “highly-suspected case of H1N1 going from humans into a cat.”
I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.
I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.
I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observation for a week I found it was in the case.
Objective to conduct rabies virus antigen detection for the tissue samples from a suspected rabies case and provide laboratory support to the clinical diagnosing.
A suspected H1N1 flu case was found in Shandong.
Objective:To quote a concept of "Suspected Case of Kawasaki Disease" in order to define the practicability and feasibility of early treatment of it with ASP and IVIG in high dosage by IV push.
Objective:To quote a concept of "Suspected Case of Kawasaki Disease" in order to define the practicability and feasibility of early treatment of it with ASP and IVIG in high dosage by IV push.