Given enough time, the comet-like planet could theoretically evaporate away completely, but it would take about a trillion years.
But just give us a trillion years and everything will be dark.
It's 13 billion years old, but what will happen in a trillion years?
The current best estimate to complete the vaporization: a trillion years.
But imagine doing crossword puzzles every day for 10 years, 1,000 years, a million years, a billion years, a trillion years.
But don't worry about the planet disappearing entirely any time soon. The current best estimate to complete the vaporization: a trillion years.
If you can travel 36 light-years-roughly 212 trillion miles-to a new planet discovered by astronomers, you might just be in luck.
If you can travel 36 light-years - roughly 212 trillion miles - to a new planet discovered by astronomers, you might just be in luck.
The non-partisan CBO estimates that the healthcare plan will cost almost a trillion dollars over the next ten years.
Such a proposal, among Suggestions to a congressional super-committee, is expected to result in up to 3 trillion dollars in deficit savings over 10 years.
Obama wants a deal to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion US dollars over the next 10-years.
Within a few years, 60-trillion dollars is riding on them.
Over the next 10 years, cuts in planned spending could total half a trillion dollars.
As for myself I guess when you look at the numbers- $2.5 trillion cut over 10 years–or $250 billion a year– that’s small potatoes– less than 2% of GDP.
In the first three years of his or her life, a child builds approximately 1 trillion synapses.
The Department of Defense is under pressure to cut close to a trillion dollars from its budget over the next 10 years, so there's a lot of talk around the Pentagon about what can go and what can't.
Between 700 trillion and 10,000 trillion tons of methane hydrate, a powerful greenhouse gas, are trapped in the seafloor sediments where they've accumulated over millions of years.
That committee has until late November to identify one and a half trillion in additional savings over the next ten years.
This week health-care-industry officials promised, at his urging, to cut cost-inflation by 1.5 percentage points a year, or $2 trillion over ten years.
在他的催促下,卫保产业的官员们这周许诺每年将成本膨胀率降低1.5个百分点,也就是在十年内为人们省下2万亿美元。 但这个承诺很大程度上是没有意义的。
But the rest of the seabed may still contain as much as 19 billion barrels of oil and 86 trillion cubic feet of gas-enough to keep America going for a few years.
In the past two years credit-card lines have been cut by a whopping $1.25 trillion and another $1.5 trillion will disappear by the end of 2010, estimates Meredith Whitney, an analyst.
过去的两年里,信用卡额度已经砍去了12500亿美元。 分析师M.D预测道,另外还有15000亿美元将在2010年底裁去。
Two teams of astronomers announced the discovery of APM 08279+5255, a quasar 12 billion light years away that holds at least 140 trillion times the amount of water in all the Earth's oceans combined.
两个由天文学家组成的研究小组近日宣布发现了一颗名为APM 08279+5255的类星体,这颗类星体距离地球有120亿光年,其独特之处在于其水含量至少是地球上所有海洋水量总和的140万亿倍。
The measure proposes a tax-reduction total of 1.6 trillion dollars over ten years.
After all, I undertook to tell several trillion years of human history in the space of a short story and I leave it to you as to how well I succeeded.
But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars.
But regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars.