Why risk a unique solution when the instructor has let it slip he likes the food business?
Fromm in his representative work, Min for Himself, gives a clue of a unique solution to this.
Jobs' approach allows for individual experimentation to find a unique solution to each person's quest.
Many old trauma problems such as mal unions and non unions require a unique solution that you need to invent.
Why? Bundle of properties: mechanical strength, chemical inertness, ease of fabrication: that's not a unique solution.
In this paper, iterative method in groups for solving these three matrix equations is studied when the equation has a unique solution.
Using satellites to deliver single photon or entangled photon pairs is a unique solution to realize long-distance quantum communications networks.
Thus, it is possible to obtain a unique solution of earthquake location in the classical sense through appropriate distribution of seismograph network.
To help companies realign their IT infrastructures in a way that will address these challenges, IBM offers a unique solution called "Enterprise Transformation."
Maybe you'll find an exact solution to a problem or maybe you'll find some related techniques and practices that inspire you to come up with a unique solution of your own.
The lily pad beetle, which Dr. Prakash and his colleagues report on in The Journal of Experimental Biology, has evolved a unique solution to moving in water and air at the same time.
For a database solution you might want to attach a unique ID to each news feed and use this for selection, but the principle remains the same.
The best solution for avoiding networking conflicts during a disaster recovery implementation is to always ensure that each network (TCP/IP) address or name is an enterprise-wide unique value.
在灾难恢复期间避免网络冲突的最佳解决方案是,确保每个网络 (TCP/IP)地址或名称都是在企业范围内惟一的值。
KVM is a full virtualization solution that is unique in that it turns a Linux kernel into a hypervisor using a kernel module.
Up to three unique paths driving a Web service request can be added without requiring significant changes to the solution architecture.
Since we first noticed it in 2007, it's grown to be the solution of choice for 15% of the Fortune 500, and added a unique set of features that have led to InnovationSpigit 2.0.
自此我们2007年第一次注意到它以来,财富500强企业中已经有15%的公司选择它作为解决方案。而且Spigit也添加了一些系列的功能,为我们带来了InnovationSpigit 2.0。
Vendors and technology companies, and companies they collaborate with, typically have unique knowledge around a specific solution or technology.
The flows can also vary in reusability from unique to a single interaction to applicable to all interactions in a solution or even across solutions.
Is the solution to provide a universally unique name for every element?
IBM and 3m recently announced that they have a cool solution: a unique adhesive for packing the chip's layers.
The solution is to qualify each Web service with a unique domain name.
Kaltura's HTML5 video solution -in use by Wikipedia -works in all major browsers by using a unique 'fallback' mechanism.
Visual trace is a capability unique to the IBM solution for Enterprise Transformation.
To provide you with a unique livable solution.
This paper presents a new auxiliary variational inequality for solving mixed quasi-variational-like inclusions. First, proved the auxiliary variational inequality has unique solution.
MVT based on the factor model has a suspect of "artificial data", because the solution derived from the algorithm of eigenvectors is not unique or with too great uncertainty.
In is a fundamental theoretical problem whether the solution to the irregular problem for determining solution in unique and stable.
In is a fundamental theoretical problem whether the solution to the irregular problem for determining solution in unique and stable.