Photo Tip: Choose a vantage point upwind from the blowing smoke.
On our way out of this scenic spot, there'll be a vantage point to see the lake.
Or some could even watch the match from a vantage point they are unaccustomed to.
Innumerable cameras are fighting for a vantage point to shoot the moment a goal is scored.
Your employees have a vantage point for viewing your behavior and weigh it against your commitments.
Even frozen waterfalls get the blues, but from a vantage point behind a frozen waterfall in an ice cave, it's all good and then some.
The Cassini spacecraft surveys Saturn's outstretched ring system in infrared from a vantage point high above the planet's northern latitudes.
Yet we wish you to acknowledge that it could not assume it's rightful place with in your planet unless YOU were at a vantage point that is able to receive it.
From a vantage point outside our home, a revealing perspective has shown us the planet for what it really is; a ball of living star dust, a four-and-one-billion year old miracle.
From this vantage point he watched, his searching eye never missing a detail.
From a concealed vantage point, he saw a car arrive.
From today's vantage point, the 1987 crash seems just a blip in the upward progress of the market.
The cafe was a good vantage point for watching the world go by.
To enjoy a good vantage point, the photographer hiked to a windy spot about 400 meters above a lake, Lago Argentino, climbing into the picture after setting up his camera on a tripod.
This vantage point seemed like a good place to look back up the evolutionary road that led from Ardi to us.
This is a unique vantage point and makes us both consumption aware and update aware — we can help you understand exactly what you're downloading, and when and why a component has been updated.
Just breathe and allow your spiritual vibrations to rise and take you to the higher perspective so that you can look from a different Divine vantage point.
According to Futabasha in a news conference, the last photograph in Usui's digital camera was of the bottom of the cliff from the vantage point of the top.
We just wanted to play games but they didn't want to admit they were simply buying us a toy, but via our youthful vantage point of technical knowledge we helped assuage their guilt.
Spanish entrepreneur wants to give you a glimpse of the black expanse of space and the curvature of the earth from a most unusual vantage point — a balloon.
Technical guidance on these and many other issues has been produced from a distinct, and I believe, absolutely essential vantage point.
From our vantage point, a second galaxy happens to be behind the first galaxy.
Institute a regular (weekly or daily) time for reflection from a higher level vantage point, to renew your overview of progress and priorities.
It also takes a little luck: it looks as if the face might be composed of multiple layers of the cloud front that come together to look like a face from only his vantage point.
From its vantage point at Saturn, Cassini sees a belt rather than a ribbonlike structure, a team led by Krimigis also reports in Science.
With its picnic tables, mountain views and community-outreach programmes, this site provides a tranquil vantage-point for the war in Afghanistan, just 90 minutes' flight away.
From my vantage point as a project leader, that is probably the biggest benefit of using Rational Rapid Developer on this project.
Jack saw three other shapes from his vantage point - two on the ground, the third sprawled across a table.
Jack saw three other shapes from his vantage point - two on the ground, the third sprawled across a table.