Fiat (FIAT) car factory in Turin, Italy (Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi Ledi Torino) translation abbreviation "fiat" in English word meaning "law would, " "License", "approval."
菲亚特(FIAT)意大利都灵汽车制造厂(Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi LediTorino)的译文缩写“fiat”在英语中的词意为“法会”、“许可”、“批准”。
Attention: The Chinese or English abbreviation of vaccine name in table above maybe informal adapted in this Record only.
ISO9000 International Organization for Standardization (English abbreviation ISO) enacted in 1987, after the continuous modification and perfection of a series of standards.
ISO 9000族标准是国际标准化组织(英文缩写为iso)于1987年制订,后经不断修改完善而成的系列标准。
In English pun can be made on abbreviation and the singular and plural forms of English words, which cannot be used in Chinese pun, while the allegorical pun is unique to Chinese.
In general, every medical magazine has English name and abbreviation form.
Some word composition rules like affix, compounding, abbreviation, transferred meaning and so on are given in order to improve efficiency in computer English learning.
For neologisms in Netspeak English, the highly productive lexical formation means are abbreviation, compounding and derivation;
For neologisms in Netspeak English, the highly productive lexical formation means are abbreviation, compounding and derivation;