The organic solvent is absolute ethyl alcohol.
To test the damage degree of gastric mucosa by vernier caliper through the damage model of absolute ethyl alcohol to the SD rats.
Neutral alcohol refers to pure and flavorless absolute ethyl alcohol and is widely applied in the production of vodka, nutritional wine and liqueur etc.
Methods In 40 gastric mucosa injury model rabbits induced by intragastric administration of absolute ethyl alcohol, the effect of acupuncture on gastric motor function was observed.
方法:对4 0只大耳白兔用无水乙醇灌胃,造成胃粘膜损伤模型,然后观察针刺对胃粘膜损伤前后胃运动功能的影响。
Methods In 40 gastric mucosa injury model rabbits induced by intragastric administration of absolute ethyl alcohol, the effect of acupuncture on gastric motor function was observed.
方法:对4 0只大耳白兔用无水乙醇灌胃,造成胃粘膜损伤模型,然后观察针刺对胃粘膜损伤前后胃运动功能的影响。