Although it is a small benefits community, but its absolute quantity is very big.
Absolute quantity speaking the relative labor redundancy is still can be seen, so what we can do is to improve the labor quality and strengthen the working capacity.
Children's base figure unable to go to school of poor family including girl is still very great, and children's absolute quantity unable to go to school is still so many.
But it can see there is still few absolute quantity of China B2C turnover. The B2C scale has greater disparity with the developed country, and face C2C keen competition at present.
The loss of the amount of cultivated land includes not only the dominant loss caused by the absolute reduction in quantity, but also the recessive loss caused by the whole quality decrease.
This performance will contain all the songs in this album, also involves the next album songs, absolute enough quantity!
Through contrast and analysis, the relations between relative gas gushing quantity and absolute gas gushing quantity, and between them and the depth of the seam are found.
Collection Value is not absolute but relative. It is not the use value to all people but the use value to a limited quantity of readers.
This paper presents a rule based on the absolute information quantity. Then we provide an algorithm to make up an information system.
Land resources in Xinjiang have absolute priority in existing variety and quantity as well as inferiority in low transformation efficiency.
Humidity is the quantity of water vapor present in air. It can be expressed as an absolute, specific or a relative value.
Humidity is the quantity of water vapor present in air. It can be expressed as an absolute, specific or a relative value.