If you are a college student looking for work but worried you won't have enough time to devote to academic subjects, consider working as a study hall or library monitor.
What is the purpose of the study? Graduate school can improve academic ability, work ability. Why do you give up this opportunity.
反一,学习是为了什么?继续深造能提高学术能力、工作能力,为什么要放弃这个机会… 。
The skill to balance study and work contributes directly to enhancing our academic performance, job hunting and promotion in a system.
For modern academic historians, his work is a bit adventurous: far safer to narrow down research to, say, the study of medieval nail prices in rural Wales.
As a whole, research work at institutions of higher education should emphasize the comprehensive study of academic, economic, social and educational values.
His work of collecting data about the Book of Songs was the foundation of academic history study.
The study on the source of Chinese civilization has long been the focus of academic world. What we know in recent years are mostly build on this work of Mr. Li Ji.
Such variables include schools attended, area of study, academic performance, and work history.
Results Factor analysis indicated that the subjects mainly perceived stress from"Worrying about current academic and future work", "Personnel relation-ship and environment stress"and"Study stress".
The consequences are serious, and it ruined the style of study, the formation of the inert, thus affecting the academic performance, or even seriously impede the normal teaching work.
This three year, full-time course is focused around the student's principal study, and places an equal emphasis on academic and practical work.
This three year, full-time course is focused around the student's principal study, and places an equal emphasis on academic and practical work.