This (discovery) provides places where there is water accessible to the surface.
Another factor may be the mosquito’s search for an accessible vein near the skin surface, much like that of a nurse trying multiple sites to take a blood sample.
Nestled forty feet below the surface of the clear blue Fijian Lagoon, the underwater suites will be accessible by elevator.
Advantages sof direct sampling are that areas hardest to clean and which are reasonably accessible can be evaluated, leading to establishing a level of contamination or residue per given surface area.
The inside surface of the heat exchanger body is also then accessible for servicing.
However, they protonate and partly transfer to the outer surface of micelles in the acid titration process, and exist in very polar, solvent-accessible region of the inner.
For a further improvement of the storage capacity, materials with even higher surface areas accessible for hydrogen molecules are needed.
This increase indicated that the complex cellulases readily attacked the more accessible amorphous region of cellulose and the location of hemicellulose on the surface of the fibers.
This increase indicated that the complex cellulases readily attacked the more accessible amorphous region of cellulose and the location of hemicellulose on the surface of the fibers.