But the centenarians' happy accident of birth may benefit the rest of us too, if Perls and his colleagues are successful in their work.
If it is, you too can benefit from a GPS-enabled automatic crash response feature that connects the vehicle to a trained emergency advisor in the event of an accident, for example.
If we can't resolve all these things about who's responsible, who's charged if there's an accident and also who should have stopped it, we deny ourselves the benefit of using this stuff.
Security is one of the biggest benefit, the crime of illegal accident is the biggest waste.
The results are shown that the utilization of the coal bed methane can decrease the gas accident, save energy source, reduce the environmental pollution, and have remarkable economic benefit.
Using mathematical and economical methods, starting from studying normal penalty benefit maths model, we have set up penalty benefit model of preventing offence about escaping from traffic accident.
But there happens to be a nice little accident here that could benefit patients.
Economic benefit of the reconstruction is marked. The operation accident of coking and slagging didn't occur after transforming.
The prevention and therapy of BBS as early as possible, will benefit the therapy of CAS and reduce the accident.
The prevention and therapy of BBS as early as possible, will benefit the therapy of CAS and reduce the accident.