Converter is the important part of the power accumulator battery testing system.
When the battery the stored power put up, the solar controller to control the battery will not be a discharge, protect the accumulator.
Owing many skilled technical staffs and core technical competence in battery field, it has the ability of developing new products and inspecting accumulator quality.
Lithium ion accumulator is a new generation of high proportional energy chemical battery.
Unload before stop the machine, or there will be left magnet. Next time when use, magnetize with accumulator cell or dry cell battery.
It's well-known that famous scientist Edison in life spent a full-ten year and conducted about 50000 experiments to change an easily-eroded copper-vitriol battery into an accumulator.
The leaded alloy improves the corrosion resistance, mechanical property and electrochemical property of a slab lattice of a solar accumulator lead-acid battery and prolongs the cycle life thereof.
Capacity: Article 2 of the Regulation lists out the determination of capacity of battery, an accumulator and automotive batteries. Certain test method is specified in Annex II.
Capacity: Article 2 of the Regulation lists out the determination of capacity of battery, an accumulator and automotive batteries. Certain test method is specified in Annex II.