This paper deals with the features of late Middle Proterozoic active continental margin in South China.
The major disruption of Heigou-Luanchuan has determined the active continental margin of the ancient north China plate.
Located in middle part of the Jinshajiang tectonic belt, the Yangla copper orefield was in the clinoform area of an active continental margin.
According to the isotopic dating, it was emplaced into the active continental margin in Permian, which was resulted from the eastward subduction of the Tethys sea.
Marine Meso-Paleozoic structures in the region have undergone three evolution stages of Pre-Yangzi Plate, stable platform and West Pacific active continental margin.
The major disruption of Machaoying-Panhe defines the active continental margin of the north China plate and the south margin of the Epicontinental Sea in the Paleozoic period.
During the Neoproterozoic to the Early Paleozoic, the South China was a marginal basin captured by the Yangtze active continental margin, filled with very thick flysch, sandstone, and shale sediments.
During the Neoproterozoic to the Early Paleozoic, the South China was a marginal basin captured by the Yangtze active continental margin, filled with very thick flysch, sandstone, and shale sediments.