In this paper, a three phase hybrid power filter composed of a Thyristor Switched filter (TSF) and an Active power filter (APF) is introduced.
The key of active power filter harmonic detection is the design of digital low-pass filter.
Hybrid shunt active power filter (HSAPF) is a kind of harmonics compensating filter consisting of shunt active power filter and conventional LC filters.
The unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is a kind of novel harmonic and reactive compensation equipment by combining the series active filter and shunt active filter.
A novel structure of parallel hybrid active power filter is proposed. lt consists of Passive filter (LC) and active power filter (APF).
At present, with the use of digital control system, active power filter becomes the most suitable for active power filter, for its flexibility, speed and high reliability features.
Aiming at actual instance that the frequency of electric network is waving, based on twin-T resistance-capacitance active-trap filter, a trap filter which can filter the power interference between 49.
This paper presents an active power filter (APF) based on adaptive filter theory. The mathematic model of the APF is derived, and the performance of the APF is analyzed.
A shunt active power filter is applied in the fisher boat in order to suppress the harmonic produced by the sleeve-fish troll machine. The design scheme of the shuntactive power filter is provided.
The paper introduces a self adaptive filter system which detects the current reference of active power filter quickly and accurately.
The methods of harmonic suppression were introduced, such as adopting passive power filter (PPF), active power filter (APF), hybrid filter and harmonic protective device (HPD).
As a new filtering device used in single phase circuit, hybrid type series active power filter is a combined system of shunt passive filter and series active filter.
It shows that the control system meets real time requirement of the active power filter and the compensation properties of the active power filter are very good.
By applying orthogonal linearity of wavelet transformation, a self adapting filter is designed on the basis of wavelet algorithm and is effectively applied to power active filter.
Governing harmonic with Active Power Filter has better compensation performances than with Passive Filter.
Governing harmonic with Active Power Filter has better compensation performances than with Passive Filter.