The circuit design mainly includes interface designs, such as address coding circuit, human-machine, AD converter, etc.
DSP 's own AD converter support muti-sample to the same channel and this can achieve higher precision than traditional method.
Signal collection handling modular collection AE signal, optimizing it, the AD Converter changing AE signal to the digital signal.
The data acquisition is composed by signal adjusting circuit, anti-jamming filter circuit, AD converter circuit and a RS232 serial communication circuit.
The ADS1256 of TI Corp was used as AD convertion chip. ADS1256 is an AD converter for industry application with the excellent performance of low noises and high speed.
The device is consisted of ECG signal data acquisition, signal amplification circuit, anti-jamming filter circuit, AD converter circuit and information storage circuit.
MCU development and practical applications, including: median filter subroutine, AD converter type of proceeding, 16, 32-bit integer number prescribing, SCM music program - I wish you peace.
In digital IF receiver based on IF sampling technology, one important issue of system design is how to realize wide instantaneous dynamic range, when the available digits of AD converter is limited.
This paper designs a simple and practical interface between serial AD/DA converter and DSP.
Signals output by the demodulating converter and the low frequency vibration separator are sent to an interface of a sampling and analyzing diagnostic computer AD.
An AD (analog-digital) converter, a signal conditioning circuit and an environment noise sensor can also be arranged so as to monitor directly.
An AD (analog-digital) converter, a signal conditioning circuit and an environment noise sensor can also be arranged so as to monitor directly.