You can add an attribute by selecting the add attribute icon as shown in Figure 15.
您可以通过选择add Attribute图标添加属性,如图15所示。
Create a new preference variable in the Add Attribute dialog, as shown in Figure 48.
在Add Attribute对话框中创建一个新的偏好,如图48所示。
Click on the + button to define a session attribute. In the "Add attribute" dialog enter the following values.
To add attribute groups to the criteria for an advanced search, select both a project and a type in the Advanced Search tab.
为了向搜索标准添加属性组,以进行高级搜索,您可以在AdvancedSearch 项中同时选中一个项目和 一个类型。
While a stereotype offers metamodel-level inheritance, a tag offers a metamodel-level mechanism to add attribute-like information to a stereotype.
You can also set whether an attribute is Keyable or Displayable directly from the Add attribute dialog box, instead of having to use the Channel Control Editor.
To expose the element mappings, you can add an attribute to each element that shows its mappings to more general types.
Add the attribute to collection.
A subtype can also add more element and attribute declarations to the base type.
Add in that attribute, and this error will go away.
You can add this attribute to any WSDL element to which a policy can be attached.
Thus, you need to edit the WSDL files and add the attribute by hand.
If you add a new attribute or edit an existing one, an attribute editor appears, as shown in Figure 15.
Add the attribute sureness factor to the type expectation and other dependent requirements.
Add an id attribute and replace the content of each button component as shown in Listing 4.
Add an attribute called name to the projectInfo type.
Add the attribute in Listing 31 to the TSA IPCONN definition, using command in Listing 32.
使用清单32中的命令将清单31中的属性添加到TS AIPCONN定义中。
Add an attribute to getBirthCertByIdResponse, and name it birthcertificate.
To create a stereotype attribute, select the stereotype in Project Explorer, right-click it, and select Add UML > Attribute, as shown in Figure 9.
为了创建一个原型属性,在项目浏览器中选择原型,并且右击它,并且选择AddUML >Attribute,如图 9 所示。
In this instance you need to add another attribute to the tag, so change this line to read.
Add the attribute in Listing 33 to the TSB TCPIPSERVICE definition, using the command in Listing 34.
Add an attribute to the StateBasedAssertion class called state of type XSD: string.
向statebasedassertion类添加一个名为state、类型为xsd: string的属性。
To achieve this structure, add a fitness attribute to each word.
Add the attribute Address of type string to the business object BO1.
向业务对象BO 1添加类型为string的属性address。
Add an id attribute for each tag, in this order: fname, lname, workdept, job, and phoneno.
Now add an attribute to the class and name it left. Set its Type to Node.
现在为一个类填加一个属性并将其命名为left,设其值Type 为Node。
Edit this template and add a styleClass attribute.
When the business object editor opens, add an attribute called message to the business object and make it type string.
Add in another attribute, called "jwcid", and give it a value of "@PageLink".
添加另一个属性,叫做 “jwcid”,它的值为 “@PageLink”。
In a similar manner, add another attribute (pointer) with the name right.