As you can see, the NAT router stores the IP address and port number of each computer in the address translation table.
It then looks in the address translation table to see which computer on the stub domain the packet belongs to.
It changes the destination address to the one saved in the address translation table and sends it to that computer.
The router then checks the address translation table to find if there is an entry existing for the inside local address with a corresponding inside global address.
But since a typical entry in the address translation table only takes about 160 bytes, a router with 4 MB of DRAM could theoretically process 26,214 simultaneous translations!
Since the NAT router now has the computer's source address and source port saved to the address translation table, it will continue to use that same port number for the duration of the connection.
The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address matched with one of the unique IP addresses.
现在,地址转换表就拥有了这台计算的不可路由IP地址到一个唯一 IP地址的匹配映射。
The translation table now has a mapping of the computer's non-routable IP address matched with one of the unique IP addresses.
现在,地址转换表就拥有了这台计算的不可路由IP地址到一个唯一 IP地址的匹配映射。