Training at this zone improves your aerobic endurance i. e. the ability to do prolonged exercise without fatigue.
Fitness assessments ranging from strength and flexibility to endurance and aerobic threshold are part and parcel of training for professional footballers.
Overlooking the aerobic training and too emphasizing the intensive anaerobic training in order to improve the lactate resistant ability is the universal problem in our most endurance events training.
On the base of this, this paper put forward a training system for middle and long distance run which is based on aerobic capacity and centered on speed and speed endurance.
The level of speed endurance and aerobic endurance is low. The physical fitness training plans are not long-term many years training plans, individual training plans, and science control.
The level of speed endurance and aerobic endurance is low. The physical fitness training plans are not long-term many years training plans, individual training plans, and science control.